Current Presentations
The effect of elevation on deep vein thrombosis: a retrospective multicenter cohort study. Banton K, Jarvis S, Jungels C, Hovorka J, Acuna D, Bar-Or D. Podium presentation. Western Trauma Association, Whistler BC, February 2025.
The COVID-19 Pandemic Significantly Affected Acute Ischemic Stroke Subtype, Patient Characteristics, and Outcomes. Anna Belits, Yasaman Pirahanchi, Frank Wang, Katie Higgins, Diana Kim, Ian Rankine, Kristin Salottolo, David Bar-Or, Christian Burrell. Poster presentation.
International Stroke Conference, Los Angeles, CA, Feb 2025.
American Academy of Neurology, San Diego, CA, April 2025.
COVID-19 Infection is Associated with Stroke Subtype, Severity, and Outcomes in Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke. Anna Belits, Kristin Salottolo, Frank Wang, Katie Higgins, Diana Kim, Ian Rankine, Yasaman Pirahanchi, David Bar-Or, Christian Burrell. Poster presentation.
International Stroke Conference, Los Angeles, CA, Feb 2025.
American Academy of Neurology, San Diego, CA, April 2025.
Hispanic Ethnicity and Diabetes are Associated with High On-Treatment Platelet Reactivity. Simon Izaguirre, Anna Belits, Yasaman Pirahanchi, Diana Kim, Kristin Salottolo, David Bar-Or, Christian Burrell. Poster presentation.
International Stroke Conference, Los Angeles, CA, Feb 2025.
American Academy of Neurology, San Diego, CA, April 2025.
Potential Involvement Of PI-3 Kinase Signaling In Peritoneal Mesothelial Cells Exposed To Reactive Ascites: Implications For Adhesion Formation. Hausburg M, Banton K, Cassidy C, Madayag R, Palacio CH, Williams J, Thomas G, Bar-Or R, Bar-Or D. 83rd Annual meeting of the AAST, Las Vegas NV, Sept 2024.
Differential Impact of Race on Traumatic Intracerebral Hemorrhage Incidence and Outcomes. Romo E, Salottolo K, Marshall G, Quan G, Johannigman J, Acuna D, Berg G, Tsoris A, Palacio CH, Bar-Or D. Podium presentation. 7th World Trauma Congress, Las Vegas NV, Sept 2024.
Epidemiology of Traumatic Antlantooccipital dislocation: National Registry Study. Salottolo K, Acuna D, Betancourt A, Palacio CH, Madayag R, Syre P, Bar-Or D. Podium presentation. 7th World Trauma Congress, Las Vegas NV, Sept 2024.
Factors Associated with Poor Outcomes in Reversible Cerebral Vasoconstriction Syndrome: A Seven-year Study at a Comprehensive Stroke Center. McGraw C, Peralta J, Pirahanchi Y, Burrell C, Nieberlin A, Bartt R. American Academy of Neurology 2024 annual meeting, Denver CO, April 2024.
Stress Ulcer Prophylaxis in Neurocritical Care Outcomes Following Trauma: A Multicenter Study. McGraw C; Briscoe A; Carrick M; Palacio C; Waswick W; Trujillo L; Reynolds C; Miller A; Bar-Or D. Society of Critical Care Medicine 2024 Critical Care Congress, Phoenix AZ, January 2024.
Multicenter Study Examining Temporal Trends in Traumatic Intracranial Hemorrhage: 2016 to 2022. Salottolo K, Acuna D, Palacio CH, Berg G, Marshall G, Tsoris A, Johannigman J, Banton K, Bar-Or D. Society of Critical Care Medicine 2024 Critical Care Congress, Phoenix AZ, January 2024.