Publications - last year


  1. Morgan S, Jarvis S, Conti A, Staudinger K, Reynolds C, Bar-Or D. Displaced Geriatric Femoral Neck Fractures: A Retrospective Comparison of Total Hip Arthroplasties versus Hemiarthroplasty. Geriatric Orthopedic Surgery & Rehabilitation. 2023 Jan-Dec, Vol 14.

  2. Salottolo K, Betancourt AJ, Banton K, Acuna D, Panchal R, Bar-Or D, Palacio CH. Epidemiology of C2 Fractures and Predictors of Surgical Management: Analysis of A National Registry. Trauma Surgery and Acute Care Open. 2023 Jun 15;8(1):e001094.

  3. J Willis, S Jarvis, G Berg, C Corrigan, R Madayag, C Reynolds, A Tanner II, G Marshall, C Palacio Lascano, D Bar-Or. The effect of restrictive fluid management on outcomes among geriatric hip fractures: a retrospective cohort study at five level I trauma centers. OTA International. 2023 Sep; 6(3): e279.

  4. Meinig R, Jarvis S, Salottolo K, Nwafo N, McNair P, Harrison P, Morgan S, Duane T, Woods B, Nentwig M, Kelly M, Cornutt D, Bar-Or D. Propensity matched analysis examining the effect of passive reversal of direct oral anticoagulants on blood loss and the need for transfusions among traumatic geriatric hip fractures. The European Journal of Medical Research. 2023 Jul 21;28(1):241.

  5. Atchie B, Jarvis S, Bellon R, Barton T, DiSalvo L, Salottolo K, Bar-Or R, Bar-Or D. Oxidation-Reduction Potential Worsens in Patients with Reduced Collateral Circulation and Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion Following Intraarterial Therapy. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine. May 2023.

  6. Garrett RE, Palacio CH, Bar-Or D. Long COVID: Is there a kidney link? Frontiers in Medicine. April 2023. 10: 1138644.

  7. Orlando A, Coresh J, Carrick MM, Quan G, Berg G, Dhakal L, Hamilton D, Madayag R, Palacio Lascano CH, Bar-Or D. Characterizing Inter-Hospital Variability in Neurosurgical Interventions for Patients with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and Intracranial Hemorrhage. Neurotrauma Reports. 2023 Mar 17;4(1):149-158.

  8. Orlando A, Coresh J, Carrick MM, Quan G, Berg G, Dhakal L, Hamilton D, Madayag R, Palacio Lascano CH, Bar-Or D. Significant National Declines in Neurosurgical Intervention for Mild Traumatic Brain Injury With Intracranial Hemorrhage: A 13-Year Review of the National Trauma Data Bank. Neurotrauma Reports. 2023 Mar 17;4(1):137-148.

  9. Secor EA, Hamilton D, DHuyvetter C, Salottolo K, Bar-Or D. Network analysis examining intrahospital traffic of patients with traumatic hip fracture. Journal for Healthcare Quality. 2023 Mar-Apr;45(2):83-90.

  10. Darwish M, McGraw C, Foote C, Chen C, Sohini V, Bar-Or D, Palacio C. Border-fence falls versus domestic falls at a south texas trauma center. Trauma Surgery and Acute Care Open. 2023 Feb 28;8(1):e001020.

  11. Jarvis, S, Sater A, Gordon J, Nguyen A, BantonK, Bar-Or D. Cervical Collars and Dysphagia Among Geriatric TBIs and Cervical Spine Injuries: A Retrospective Cohort Study. Journal for Healthcare Quality. 2023 Feb 15.

  12. Mains CW, Sercy E, Elder T, Salottolo K, DHuyvetter C, Bar-Or D. Predictors of massive transfusion protocol initiation among trauma patients transported from the scene via flight emergency management services. Air Medical Journal, (2023) Volume 42, Issue 1, 19 - 23.

  13. Salottolo K, Carrick M, Nwafo N, Madayag R, Tanner A, Corrigan C, Banton K, Bar-Or D. Timing of VTE Chemoprophylaxis with Major Surgery of Lower-Extremity Long Bone Fractures. Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery. 2023 Jan 1;94(1):169-176.